Fotógrafo del National Geographic

Tino Soriano About


Photographer and writer born and raised in Barcelona, the capital city of Catalonia in Spain, Tino Soriano has travelled extensively as a photojournalist and has covered stories of human interest of major news stories. He has been widely published internationally and splits his time between photojournalism (particularly attracted by the world of Medicine) and travel photography. In 2004, Vicente Fox, then Mexico's president, personally awarded him the Lente de Plata, a prize given to the author of the best story about Mexico published anywhere in the world.


Among many other national and international prizes, Tino Soriano has been the recipient of UNESCO, World Health Organization, Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia, Spanish Photographer of the Year 1995, NikonPro-2002, a World Press Photo Foundation's award in 1999 and proudly holds five FotoPres prizes.


In 2015 was honoured by the "Humanity Photo Gran Award" by UNESCO and CFPA (China Folklore Photographic Association) in the city of Shangri-La. Same year the Spanish Geographical Society awarded him with the Image Prize for his  Lifetime Achievement as a photographer and traveler. For the same concept he received in 2017 the National Award "Piedad Isla", one of the most prestigious in Spain and in 2018 the National Communication Prize in the Press category by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia and also the Gold Medal from the Agrupació Fotogràfica de Berga.


In February 2023 Tino received the Carles Rahola Award in the category Best Institutional Communication of the Year, given by the Girona College of Journalists for his work "The Invisible".


Tino Soriano is the author of "Travel Photography", "Dali, 1903-2003", "Banyoles", "Photo by Photo - 02" and "There is a Future", "Discover Spain", "Images of Catalonia" "Galicia" and "World's Great Train Journeys". The last four titles published by The National Geographic Society.


In 2003, he wrote and illustrated the book "Heartbeat of a Hospital", the result of ten years' work photographing the everyday life of Spain's health care professionals. He has also photographed "Girona and Costa Brava", "Connected to Life", "Verges, the Procession", "Catalans", "David vs. Goliath", "The Barça Reaches Everybody" and seven National Geographic travel books: Tuscany, Rome, Spain, Sicily, Madrid, Portugal and Naples and Southern Italy. His last books in Spanish are "Los Secretos de la Fotografía de Viajes" (Anaya PhotoClub 2018), "Enséñame a mirar. La biblia del reportaje gráfico" (Anaya Multimedia, 2019) "Fotografía con una sonrisa"(Anaya PhotoClub, 2020), "BanyoleSpeculum" (selfpublishing, 2020), "CurArte" (PhotoClub Anaya, 2020), "Los colores y tú" (PhotoClub Anaya, 2021) and "Instituto Mental.1980" (editorial Janus-Colección OJOS DE BUEY, 2022) and "Anatomía de una foto" (Anaya Photoclun, 2024). You can obtain signed books, writing to


As a student he has been trained with such important photographers as Elliot Erwitt, Alex Webb, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Susan Meiselas, Graciela Iturbide, Patrick Zachmann and the legendary graphic editor Christian Caujolle.


Soriano's career spans varied fields and experiences. He was included in the select group of teacher-experts of the National Geographic Society for his extensive educational experience from 2007 to 2108 leading photographic workshops. Tino Soriano belongs to the National Geographic Expedition's select group of photographers-experts. He has, since 1978, lectured at several Spanish universities and held innumerable workshops.


His work has been featured in some of the world's greatest publications such as The National Geographic Magazine, Smithsonian Magazine, New York Times, Paris Match, La Republica, GEO, Viajar, La Vanguardia and El Pais Semanal among many others.


"Andalusia, the Awakening of the Senses", "Kardelen, Turkey's New Hope" and "Stories of the Sea. Protecting the Oceans" are three National Geographic Channel television documentaries in which he has been involved in the last years as a main character. A half-hour documentary about his work and his life can be seen in "Detrás del instante" (RTVE - 2021).


Tino Soriano has been the Art Director in Fotonature, a successful photo festival in La Palma Island (2010-2018) and is still Ambassador of OM-Digital Solutions (former Olympus) and the Spanish Confederation of Photography. After the closure of the National Geographic Image Collection, his work is now represented by the agency ACI on line.


You can follow him in Facebook and Instagram.


Retrato Tino Soriano

Some interview - Spanish/English





Tino Soriano About

Born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, Tino Soriano divides his work between photojournalism and travel photography. He has been honored with numerous national and international awards from groups such as World Press Photo, UNESCO, and FotoPres, among others...

Fotógrafo del National Geographic, Tino Soriano

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