Fotógrafo del National Geographic
Videos > FutbolNet


Football has intrinsic sporting values that the FC Barcelona Foundation's FutbolNet project has transformed into a methodology for educating young people at a formative age and giving them principles of behaviour that will be of great use to them in the course of their lives. Respect, effort, teamwork, humility and ambition are values with which Barça fully identifies and which can be extrapolated to any culture and place in the world. For this reason, FutbolNet is currently being applied in 40 developing countries, and over 100,000 boys and girls between the ages of eight and 16 are benefiting from its positive effects.

+ videos

  • Tino Soriano - 1992-2019
  • UN café con Tino Soriano
  • Entrevista con Roge Blasco (2024)
  • CurArte-40 years photographing Healthcare
  • El lago de Banyoles fotografiado por Tino Soriano (2020)
  • Cómo hacer un reportaje de viajes (2020)
  • Fotografía con una sonrisa (2020)
  • Fotografiando a la gente
  • BanyoleSpeculum
  • Charlando con Tino Soriano-1
  • VI Expedición Viajar - Perú
  • V Expedición Viajar - Objective Burma
  • IV Expedition Travel to India
  • III Expedition Travel to China and Tibet.
  • II Expedition VIAJAR to National Parks of Tanzania
  • I Expedition VIAJAR to South Africa and Zimbabwe
  • Ophthalmological Expedition to Tanzania - 2017
  • Ophthalmological Expedition to Wamba (Kenya-2017)
  • Shooting with a smile
  • On Blindness, cataract surgery in Tarija (Bolivia) promoted by Eyes of The World Foundation
  • El Descubrimiento
  • Premio Imagen - 2015 de la Sociedad Geográfica Española
  • Interview in Desnivel (Madrid)
  • Qué es para mi un proyecto fotográfico
  • Deconstructing Rafa Pérez
  • Tino Soriano - Fotografies -2012
  • FutbolNet
  • Humans
  • Road to Mandalay Cruise, the North of Myanmar
  • Trip to Cuba
  • Oaxaca-Mexico-Day of Death
  • Medieval Competitions in Tuscany
  • Happy Holi ! The color of India
  • Kardelen, La Nueva Esperanza de Turquía (documental) - 2009
  • Kardelen (by Obtura)
  • Kardelen, The New Hope of Turkey (documentary) 2009
  • Dracula - 1997
  • Working woman - Music by Paco Viciana
  • The Making Off: Seven Days in the Okavango Delta
  • Vigilando los Océanos - The film (Spanish)
  • Collaborations with Paco Viciana
  • Exploring cancer - Music by Paco Viciana
  • 10 years with Nat Geo - Life is beautiful - Part I
  • 10 years with Nat Geo - Life is beautiful - Part II
  • Andalusia: the awakening of the senses
  • Kardelen - the film (In Turkish)
  • How I started and my way of working (in Spanish)
  • Photos in Banyoles - (Interview in Catalan)
  • Banyoles Lake

Tino Soriano About

Born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, Tino Soriano divides his work between photojournalism and travel photography. He has been honored with numerous national and international awards from groups such as World Press Photo, UNESCO, and FotoPres, among others...


Fotógrafo del National Geographic, Tino Soriano

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