Fotógrafo del National Geographic

Road to Mandalay (2014)


Golden temples, elephants, saffron-robed monks, ancient legends and gracious people—Myanmar holds endless wonders, waiting to be revealed.

During this journey along the Ayeyarwady River on board the "Road to Mandalay" cruise I had the time to delve deep into the history and culture of Myanmar.


Personalised tours to off-the-beaten track destinations as well as famous temples and nice surprises also added splendor to one of the most beautiful trips of my life.


The story was made on assignment for VIAJAR magazine with words by Mariano López. Do not miss a couple of videos with more pictures and the music of two great artist: Korean composer Yiruma and a second piece adapted to these images by the Catalan artist Paco Viciana

Tino Soriano About

Born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, Tino Soriano divides his work between photojournalism and travel photography. He has been honored with numerous national and international awards from groups such as World Press Photo, UNESCO, and FotoPres, among others...


Fotógrafo del National Geographic, Tino Soriano

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