Fotógrafo del National Geographic

Two Fathers (2011-2014)


A essay inspired by the story of Terence Alexander Uphoff who played in 2005 a touching song written by himself, in the legendary Dutch TV program "Kinderen voor Kinderen" (From children for children).

The song was dedicated to his two gay parents, Diederik and Bas.

I worked on a similar topic in Spain. My friends Albert and Martirià adopted little Miquel few days after his birth and I asked them to photograph their exciting new life.

See the pictures listening this wonderful version of "Two Fathers".

Tino Soriano About

Born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, Tino Soriano divides his work between photojournalism and travel photography. He has been honored with numerous national and international awards from groups such as World Press Photo, UNESCO, and FotoPres, among others...


Fotógrafo del National Geographic, Tino Soriano

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